Discover, explore, and plan your own careers and have meaningful career conversations. Targeted workshops for both managers and employees provide a new perspective on career growth, techniques to have career conversations that matter, and ways to develop, learn and grow every day.

Career Development for Managers

In this experiential workshop, managers start by identifying their own career interests and goals, and build a career action plan. In the second part of the workshop, managers learn to have regular, motivating, and engaging career conversations with their employees.


  • Apply a practical career framework and tools to career development
  • Discover what they want, explore career options, and build a career plan
  • Prepare for their own career conversation with their manager
  • Help employees drive their own careers, and guide them along the way
  • Have meaningful, regular, and focused career conversations with employees
  • Support employees in making progress towards their career goals

Career Development for Employees

In this hands-on session, employees learn tools and techniques to own their own career, develop and lead ongoing career conversations with their managers, and outline the steps to achieve their career goals.


  • Apply a practical career framework to own and drive their careers
  • Discover what they want, explore career options, and build a career plan
  • Have meaningful, regular, and focused career conversations with their manager
  • Implement a career plan and ask for the support they need to make progress towards their goals

Success Begins Here

Successful, capable leadership is the lifeblood of every organization. Want to set your leaders up to succeed?

Find Out How